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The Alberta HEART Program

Heart failure is a modern day epidemic and has a significant impact on patients and their families.

Heart failure is a progressive condition where the heart weakens and results in decreased blood flow for delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body. This weakening of the heart can occur during the contraction (systolic) or relaxation (diastolic) phase of the heartbeat.

  • 1.5–2.0% of Canadians are affected by heart failure
  • 80,000 people in Alberta have been diagnosed with heart failure
  • More than 50% of heart failure patients over the age of 65 have been diagnosed specifically with diastolic heart failure

The Alberta Heart Failure Etiology and Analysis Research Team (Alberta HEART) was established to meet this challenge. Funded by the Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions/Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR), Alberta HEART brings together 24 scientists across the research and health care spectrum to develop new therapies for diastolic heart failure.

One-year mortality rates for heart failure remain high (25-40%).

22% of hospitalizations in Alberta for heart failure occur in rural hospitals.

500,000 Canadians have been diagnosed with heart failure.

Heart failure is at epidemic levels in most developed countries.

80,000 Albertans have been diagnosed with heart failure.

Diastolic heart failure occurs when the heart fails to relax properly between heartbeats.

Systolic heart failure occurs when the heart does not contract properly.

Heart failure is a progressive condition where the heart weakens and cannot pump blood efficiently for the needs of the body.

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Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research